New updates, new translations and new PSX2PSP games
New translated games added:
-Bugs Bunny – Perdido no Tempo (TRAD-P) (Audio Dub) (SLUS-00838)
-Astérix – Mega Confusão (TRAD-P) (Audio Dub) (SLES-03324)
Translations updated to the latest version:
-Astérix – A Guerra da Gália (TRAD-P) (Audio Dub) (SLES-01748) – Version 2.0: Texts were corrected, main menu font edited. Cutscenes with better audio. The second version of the game was translated and included in this release.
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (TRAD-P) (SLUS-01075) – Version 2.0: Texts were corrected, additional graphics edited. Font adjustment on the main menu. Changed from the PAL version to the NTSC version.
New games with PAL languages on the NTSC version and added original NTSC english version:
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (English) (SLUS-01075)
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (SLUS-01075) German Language Patch
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (SLUS-01075) Spanish Language Patch
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (SLUS-01075) French Language Patch
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (SLUS-01075) Italian Language Patch
New PSX2PSP eboots:
-Astérix – A Guerra da Gália (PSX2PSP) (Pt)
-Astérix -Gallic War (PSX2PSP) (Multilangue – 4 discs)
-Astérix – Mega Confusão (PSX2PSP) (Pt)
-Bugs Bunny – Perdido no Tempo (PSX2PSP) (Pt)
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (PSX2PSP) (En)
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (PSX2PSP) (De)
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (PSX2PSP) (It)
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (PSX2PSP) (Fr)
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (PSX2PSP) (Es)
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (PSX2PSP) (Pt)
New hungarian fan-translations and a Polish fan-translation with Audio Dub
New fan translations added:
-MediEvil (TRAD-HU) (SCUS-94227)
-MediEvil 2 (TRAD-HU) (SCES-02544)
-MediEvil (TRAD-PL) (Audio Dub) (SCUS-94227)
New Protection fixes and Translations
More protection fixes, translations and a new PSX2PSP eboot
Protection fixes:
-Crash team Racing (E-F-G-I-S-N) (SCES-02105) Protection FIX
-Spyro the Dragon (J) (SCPS-10085) PROTECTION FIX
-Spyro the Dragon (U) (SCUS-94228) PROTECTION FIX
-Spyro the Dragon (E-F-G-I-S) (SCES-01438) PROTECTION FIX
-Spyro and Sparx – Tondemo Tours (Spyro 2 Gateway to Glimmer) (J) (SCPS-10128) PROTECTION FIX
-Spyro 2 Ripto’s Rage (U) (SCUS-94425) PROTECTION FIX
-Spyro 2 Gateway to Glimmer (E-G-F-I-S) (SCES-02104) PROTECTION FIX
-Spyro 3 – Year of the Dragon (E-F-G-S-I) (SCES-02835) PROTECTION FIX
-Spyro Year of the Dragon (U) (SCUS-094467) PROTECTION FIX
New fan translations:
-Legado de Kain (TRAD-PBR) (SLUS-00708)
-Peter Pan: As Aventuras na Terra do Nunca (TRAD-PBR) (SCUS-94643)
-Pernalonga & Taz – O Furacão do Tempo (TRAD-PBR) (SLUS-01144)
New PSX2PSP eboot:
-Pernalonga & Taz – O Furacão do Tempo (PSX2PSP)
New games and updated Translation/PSX2PSP
Translation updated to the latest version:
-South Park Rally (TRAD-P) (SLES-02690) – Version 2.0: Updated the dates, translated and adjusted the missing hints when
loading the DEMO. Updated missing letters in the font. Some minor text corrections. Translated manual added.
Updated PSX2PSP game:
-South Park Rally (PSX2PSP) (Pt)
PS2 games added:
-Buzz! Junior: Jungle Party (E-F-G-I-N-S-Pt) (SCES-54219)
-FIFA 09 (E-I-N-S-Pt) (SLES-55245)
-Garfield – Saving Arlene (E-F-G-I-S) (SLES-53587)
-Garfield 2 (E-F-S-G-I-N-Da-Sw-Pt-Fi-No) (SLES-54172)
-Harry Potter e a Câmara dos Segredos (Pt) (SLES-51219)
-DreamWorks Madagascar (Pt) (SLES-53242)
-Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (E-Nl-Pt-Sv-Pl) (SLES-52017)
-PES 2009 – Pro Evolution Soccer (E-S-I-Pt) (SLES-55406)
New Japanese game added and a translation patch
New japanese PS1 game and its translation patch added:
-Beavis and Butt-Head – Virtual Aho Shoukougun (J) (SLPS-01219)
-Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity (TRAD-E) (J) (SLPS-01219)
New PS2 game
New PS2 game dumped and shared by Domenicast:
-Star Wars La Guerra Dei Cloni (It) (SLES-50829)
Language Correction
Portuguese version of Hugo 2 had some language corrections.
-Hugo 2 (Por) (SLES-01813) (Language Correction by rubinho146)
What was corrected:
-The boot logo is no longer weird like before;
-The cutscenes from the Ice Cavern that was in dannish were changed to portuguese using the pc version of that minigame.
Updates, translations and PSX2PSP games
New translated game added:
-Bust-A-Move 4 (TRAD-S) (SLES-01389)
Translations updated to the latest version:
-Worms Pinball (TRAD-P) (SLES-00483) – Version 1.1: Font adjusted and texts were change to the new ortographic agreement.
-Lucky Luke – A Febre do Oeste (TRAD-P) (Audio Dub) (SLES-03530) – Version 2.1: Adjusted some missing accents and texts were change to the new ortographic agreement.
Updated and added new PSX2PSP games:
– Lucky Luke – A Febre do Oeste (PSX2PSP) (Pt)
– Lucky Luke – Western Fever (PSX2PSP) (En, Fr, De, It, Ne, Es)
Protection Fix Updates
Some games updated with the latest protection fix made by brill and some PSX2PSP eboots were updated and added another PSX2PSP
– Asterix – Mega Madness (EFSGIN) (SLES-03324) Protection Fix by brill (No PAL/NTSC selector)
PS1 Translation
-Asterix Mega Confusão (TRAD-PBR) (SLES-03324) – Updated with the protection fix by brill (No PAL/NTSC selector)
– Asterix Mega Madness (PSX2PSP) (En,Fr,Ge,It,Pt,Nl) – Updated with the protection fix by brill (No PAL/NTSC selector)
– Asterix Mega Madness (PSX2PSP) (En,Fr,Ge,It,Es,Nl) – Original version with the Spanish language. With protection fix by brill (No PAL/NTSC selector)
Some rare versions
Two new versions added of Astérix (later renamed to Astérix-Gallic War), where some improvements and updates were done by new developers at the time.
-Astérix Gallic War (En,Fr,Nl) (All Your Favourite Heroes Version) (SLES-01416)
– Astérix Gallic War (Ge,It,Es) (All Your Favourite Heroes Version) (SLES-01748)
More games added
Some new PS2 games were added, and a new PS1 game.
-Disney-Pixar The Incredibles – Os Super-Heróis (P) (SLES-52821)
-Disney-Pixar Monsters Inc. – Skrämmarön (Sw) (SCES-50604)
-Disney-Pixar Monsters Inc. – Monstruos SA – La Isla de los Sustos (S) (SCES-50603)
-Disney-Pixar Monsters Inc. – Schrik Eiland (Ne) (SCES-50597)
-Disney-Pixar Monsters Inc. Die Monster AG Schreckens-Insel (G) (SCES-50600)
-Disney-Pixar Monsters Inc. – Monsterit Oy – Säikkysaari (Fi) (SCES-50598)
-Disney-Pixar Monsters Inc – Scream Team (USA) (SCUS-94635)
New version, new game, new translation
A game suffered an update, two new PSX2PSP eboots, a new PSP game added and a new fan translation.
PSX2PSP eboots:
-Circuit Breakers (PSX2PSP) (En, Fr, De, Es, It)
-Circuit Breakers (PSX2PSP) (En, Fr, De, Pt, Lt) – Version 1.1
– Gran Turismo (En, Fr, De, It, Es, Pt, Nl) (UCES-01245)
–MediEvil 2 (TRAD-PL) (SCES-02544)
New Language Patch
New addition of Bugs Bunny & Taz Time Busters in NTSC with a new language patch where you can play with the languages from the PAL version on the NTSC version.
The ones that were removed on the NTSC were Italian, German and Dutch.
Have fun
New PS1 games:
-Bugs Bunny & Taz – Time Busters (En, Fr, Es) (SLUS-01144)
-Bugs Bunny & Taz – Time Busters (De, It, Nl) (SLUS-01144) Language Patch
New PSX2PSP eboots:
-Bugs Bunny & Taz – Time Busters (PSX2PSP) (En, Fr, Es)
-Bugs Bunny & Taz – Time Busters (PSX2PSP) (De, It, Nl)
New additions to the site
New PS2, PSP and PS1 games and added some new PSX2PSP games as well.
New PS1,PSP and PS2 translation into Brazilian Portuguese.
-Jersey Devil (E) (SCUS-94907)
-Jersey Devil no Daibouken (J) (SLPM-86075)
-Ratchet and Clank – Size Matters (D-Du-E-F-Fi-G-I-Nw-Por-S-Sw) (SCES-55019)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E – Der Letzte raeumt die Erde auf (G) (SLES-55188]
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (En,Fr,Es) (SLUS-21736)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (En,Es,Pt) (SLES-55186)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (En,Fr)(SLES-55185)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (Fr,Nl) (SLES-55187)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (It,El) (SLES-55195)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (R) (SLES-55193)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (En,Sv,No,Da) (SLES-55194)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E – Der Letzte raeumt die Erde auf (D) (ULES-01082)
-Disney-Pixar Wall-E (En,Fr) (ULUS-10350)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (En] (ULES-01072)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (Es,Pt) (ULES-01075)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (Fr,Nl) (ULES-01076)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (It) (ULES-01080)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (Ru) (ULES-01081)
– Jersey Devil (PSX2PSP) (P-BR)
-Jersey Devil no Daibouken (PSX2PSP)
–Jersey Devil (TRAD-PBR) (Audio Dub) (SCUS-94907)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (TRAD-PBR) (Audio Dub) (SLUS-21736)
-Disney-Pixar WALL-E (TRAD-PBR) (Audio Dub) (ULUS-10350)
New additions
New PS2 and PSP games added and their respective translations in Portuguese
-Burnout Dominator (E-F-G-S-I) (SLES-54627)
-Burnout Dominator (E) (SLUS-21596)
-Burnout Dominator (E-F-G-S-I) (ULES-00750) + DLC
-Burnout Dominator (E) (ULUS-00750) + DLC
-Burnout Dominator (PT-BR) (SLUS-21596)
-Burnout Dominator (PT-PT) (SLUS-21596)
-Burnout Dominator (PT-BR) (ULUS-00750) + DLC
-Burnout Dominator (PT-PT) (ULUS-00750) + DLC
Merry Christmas!
A Language Patch and more PSX2PSP eboots
Language patch:
– Bugs Bunny Lost in Time (SLUS-00838) Language Patch
New Fan Translation:
-Disney A Nova Onda do Imperador (TRAD-P) (SCES-03018) (Audio Dub)
– Disney El Emperador y sus Locuras (PSX2PSP)
– Disney Et Kongerike for en Lama (PSX2PSP)
– Disney Keizer Kuzco (PSX2PSP)
– Disney Le Follie Dell’Imperatore (PSX2PSP)
– Disney Ein Königreich Für Ein Lama (PSX2PSP)
– Disney Kuzco The Emperor Megalo (PSX2PSP)
– Disney’s Emperor’s New Groove (PSX2PSP)
– Disney A Nova Onda do Imperador (PSX2PSP)
Fan Translations, Protection Fixes and More
New PS2 game:
– Disney-Pixar Monstros e Companhia – Ilha Assustadora (P) (SCES-50605)
New fan translations:
– MediEvil (TRAD-P) (SCES-01492) (Audio Dub)
– MediEvil (TRAD-PBR) (SCES-01492) (Audio Dub)
– Wacky Races – Starring Dastardly & Muttley (TRAD-P) (SLES-50183)
Protection Fixes:
– MediEvil (S) (SCES-01495) Protection Fix
– MediEvil (I) (SCES-01494) Protection Fix
– MediEvil (G) (SCES-01493) Protection Fix
– MediEvil (E) (SCES-00311) Protection Fix
– Medievil (F) (SCES-01492) Protection Fix
– MediEvil (E) (SCUS-94227) Protection Fix
– MediEvil Yomigaetta Gallowmere no Yuusha (J)(SCPS-10081) Protection Fix
– MediEvil 2 (Ru) (SCES-02546) Protection Fix
– Medievil 2 (E-F-G) (SCES-02544) Protection Fix
– MediEvil 2 (I-P-S) (SCES-02545) Protection Fix
– MediEvil II (E) (SCUS-94564] Protection Fix
– MediEvil (E) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil (F) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil (S) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil (I) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil (G) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil (BR) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil (PT) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil (J) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil 2 (E-F-G) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil 2 (S-I-P) (PSX2PSP)
– MediEvil 2 (Ru) (PSX2PSP)
New Fan Translation
New fan translation and a new eboot:
– Wacky Races (TRAD-P) (SLES-02468) (Audio Dub)
– Wacky Races (PSX2PSP) (En, Fr, Ge, It, Es, Pt)
New traslations and PS1 Eboots
New translation and eboots:
– Jersey Devil (TRAD-P) (SCUS-94907) (Audio Dub)
-Jersey Devil (PSX2PSP) (En)
-Jersey Devil (PSX2PSP) (Pt)
More new additions
1 new Portuguese Fan-Trad
-Looney Tunes Racing (U) (TRAD-P) (Audio Dub) (SLUS-01145 )
-Looney Tunes Racing (En, Fr, Pt)
Click here to go to the PSX2PSP page
New Additions
1 new Portuguese Fan-Trad
-Jelly Belly Ballistic Beans (E) (TRAD-P) (SLES-55459)
-Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped (En, Es, Fr, Ge, It)
-Wipeout 2097 (En)
Click here to go to the PSX2PSP page
PSX2PSP Eboots
A new section was created in forums where there will be PSX2PSP Eboots for you to download and enjoy PS1 games.
-Circuit Breakers (En, Fr, Ge, Pt, Lt)
-Astérix The Gallic War (En, Fr, It, Pt)
-Patriotic Pinball (En, Fr, Ge Pt)
-Millennium Soldier Expendable (En, Fr, It, Pt)
-Lucky Luke Western Fever (En, Fr, Ge, Pt, It)
-South Park Rally (En, Fr, Ge, Pt)
-Astérix Mega Madness (En, Fr, It, Ge, Nd, Pt)
-Final Fantasy VII (Fr)
-Bugs Bunny Lost in Time (En, Es, Fr, It, Ge, Nd)
Click here to go to the PSX2PSP page
– Bugs Bunny Lost in Time NTSC (PATCH) (En, Es, Fr, It, Ge, Nd) This patch allows you to play your favorite language in the NTSC version in 60hZ
Click here to go to the Bugs Bunny Lost in Time NTSC (PATCH) page