PSOne Complete Collection (Unofficial)

South Park Rally (PSX2PSP)

South Park Rally (PSX2PSP)

(Tested on a 6.60 PRO-B10)
Note: POPS needs to be set to 6.00
Note 2: Doesn’t work on PsVita

415M 5 downloads
Syphon Filter 2 (F) (PS12PSP)

Syphon Filter 2 (F) (PS12PSP)

Manually converted

1.0 Go 224 downloads
Syphon Filter 3 (F) (PSX2PSP)

Syphon Filter 3 (F) (PSX2PSP)

Manually converted

419 Mo 188 downloads
Wacky Races (PSX2PSP)

Wacky Races (PSX2PSP)

(Tested on a 6.60 PRO-B10)

Note: Using the original POPS causes some slowdowns on the game, to properly play it hold R button when booting the game and select POPS 3.02

Note 2: Also works on PsVita but with some slowdowns

308M 136 downloads
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (PSX2PSP)

Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (PSX2PSP)

(Tested on a 6.60 PRO-B10)

Note: Hold R button when booting the game and select POPS 6.00

Note 2: Doesn’t work on PsVita

2.5G 179 downloads
Wipeout 2097 (PSX2PSP)

Wipeout 2097 (PSX2PSP)

(Tested on a 6.60 PRO-B10)

Note: Also works on PsVita

620M 394 downloads